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Transport operators in Pirkanmaa

Tampereen Aluetaksi Oy is an experienced Kela taxi service provider with modern taxi dispatch systems. We can help your company provide Kela transports successfully, profitably and efficiently in Pirkanmaa.

We have provided safe and high-quality taxi services in Pirkanmaa since 1990 and Kela transport services in Pirkanmaa since 2011. We have over 800 contract drivers. We provide more than two million taxi orders to Tampere and its surrounding municipalities every year.

The area includes Akaa, Hämeenkyrö, Ikaalinen, Juupajoki, Kangasala, Kihniö, Kuhmoinen, Lempäälä, Mänttä-Vilppula, Nokia, Orivesi, Parkano, Pirkkala, Punkalaidun, Pälkäne, Ruovesi, Sastamala, Tampere, Urjala, Valkeakoski, Vesilahti, Virrat and Ylöjärvi.

How do I become a transport operator?

Tampereen Aluetaksi Oy will continue as a service provider for Kela-reimbursed taxi trips in the Pirkanmaa region from 1 January 2022 onwards. We provide an integrated service that covers the booking, consolidation, dispatching, payment transactions and reporting of taxi travels as well as the organisation and supervision of transport services.

We will provide the service in cooperation with professional drivers like you. This cooperation will be implemented through service agreements with taxi entrepreneurs. We can make service agreements with professional taxi entrepreneurs who meet Kela’s requirements. Kela’s requirements and a full description of the service is available through this link (in Finnish).

We use the most modern systems for both Kela taxi and other taxi transport. Our services use Mitax 300/400 taximeters and Semel taximeters suitable for Kela-related transactions. Our taxi dispatch application works on mobile phones.

Here you can register as a transport operator for Kela-reimbursed taxi trips. The agreement will be signed electronically. After the agreement has been signed, we will carry out an inspection through Vastuu Group in accordance with the Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted Out. Tampereen Aluetaksi has negotiated an agreement with Vastuu Group for a 15% discount on the annual price.

Register as a transport operator

Operator events in Pirkanmaa

We organise events for operators in which we will explain in more detail what becoming a transport operator requires, and you will have the possibility to ask questions, familiarise yourself with the service and sign a service agreement with us.

Next events:

More questions?

If you would like to know anything about being an operator in Pirkanmaa or want to join us as a contracting partner, you can contact our contact person in charge of our contracting partnerships directly or send your questions or information using the form below.

Contract partnerships:
Reima Pentikäinen

Call 050 330 1162

Or submit a contact request using the form below.